ProjectWise Deliverables Management Portal Help

To Change the Import Storage Location for Attachments to Incoming Responses for Outgoing Transmittals

Attachments to incoming responses for outgoing transmittals can be imported into ProjectWise.

The import location depends on whether or not the transmittal is marked as confidential:

  • If the transmittal is not confidential, then by default incoming response attachments are imported to:

    pw:\\server:datasource\Documents\<yourproject>\Transmittal responses\<TransmittalID>\

    You can either use this default location or change it.

  • If the transmittal is marked as confidential, then before you can import the incoming response attachments, you must first define this location in the settings. There is no location defined by default.

As long as an import storage location is defined, opening an outgoing transmittal in ProjectWise Explorer that has incoming response attachments automatically imports the attachments.

  1. To change the root storage folder where incoming response attachments for non-confidential transmittals will be imported, do the following:
    1. In ProjectWise Explorer either rename the existing root storage folder, or move the existing folder to another location under the current work area, or create a new folder under the current work area.
    2. Open the Deliverables Management Settings dialog (right-click the Deliverables Management node in your work area and select Settings).
    3. On the Storage tab, select the Transmittals and Submittals tab.
    4. Click the Select button next to the Store transmittal responses in field. Browse to and select the folder you renamed, moved, or created in step a and click OK.
  2. To define the root storage folder where incoming response attachments for confidential transmittals will be imported, do the following:
    1. In ProjectWise Explorer create a new folder under the current work area.
    2. Open the Deliverables Management Settings dialog (right-click the Deliverables Management node in your work area and select Settings).
    3. On the Storage tab, select the Transmittals and Submittals tab.
    4. Click the Select button next to the Confidential transmittal responses in field. Browse to and select the folder you created in step a and click OK.
  3. To change the naming format you want to use to create the subfolder into which documents are imported, in the same section on the Transmittals and Submittals tab, select one of the following:
    Option Description
    Transmittal ID (default) The folder into which the document is imported is created upon import (if it does not already exist) and will be named after the original transmittal's ID number. Using this option, all response documents (from all organizations) for a particular transmittal will be stored in the same folder.
    Transmittal ID/Company name Two folders will be created on import (if they do not already exist): the first folder is a subfolder under the root storage folder and will be named after the original transmittal's ID number, and the second folder (the actual folder into which documents are imported) is a subfolder under the first folder and will be named after the organization who sent the response. Using this option, you can have all response documents for a particular transmittal and from a particular organization, stored in the same folder.
    Company name/Transmittal ID Two folders will be created on import (if they do not already exist): the first folder is a subfolder under the root storage folder and will be named after the organization who sent the response, and the second folder (the actual folder into which the document is imported) is a subfolder under the first folder and will be named after the original transmittal's ID number.
    Classification/Transmittal ID Two folders will be created on import (if they do not already exist): the first folder is a subfolder under the root storage folder and will be named after the classification assigned to the original transmittal, and the second folder (the actual folder into which the document is imported) will be created under the first folder and will be named after the original transmittal's ID number.
  4. Click OK.